Focused Life-Force Energy

Support the play we do in the consciousness field with Focused Life-Force Energy.

Focused Life-Force Energy feels like a cushion that my home and land rest upon. FLFE is a high consciousness technology, everyone and everything is vibration. When FLFE is activated the environment it interacts with will come into resonance with the high consciousness field. Vibrations are raised and supported with this field.
I have had the phone, home, and business subscriptions at different times and noticed a nice energetic support with each. The vibration of peace and joy is tangibly raised/supported with Focused Life Force Energy. Friends have noticed an increased sense of ease within themselves when visiting.
As an energetic practitioner/ healer working with others each day, I notice FLFE has a nice clean support and cleaning for my vibration each day. I sense the support of FLFE in my work.
Clients and friends on the service have noticed tangible benefits as well. One had an increase in revenue, and another saw certain opportunities falling away and new ones arising. Upon reflection, she realized the partnerships that fell away were limiting to her. One had a troublesome neighbor next door who put their house on the market 5.5 months after FLFE had been beaming. The whole neighborhood was happy and more harmonious. Two people with home subscriptions noticed their teenagers have more focus and less angst.
The area around my house is just more. More birds, more singing, more animals and more joy. With a home subscription beaming, the trees had more shades of green this spring. They also required more pruning this year.
I can turn the FLFE on and off from the customer portal and notice a difference each time. Try a 15-day free trial and experience more for yourself.”
~ Jill
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Focused Life-Force Energy Directs High-Vibrational Fields That Support You in Raising Your Own Personal Level of Consciousness
FLFE’s mission is to support the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness through the creation of environments with high-consciousness fields. These fields provide a sanctuary that are helpful for our personal growth and increased health while we remain highly functional in our everyday work life.
FLFE is designed to clear the negative history from homes and properties to help you get a fresh start every day, free of any negative influence. The high-vibration, high-consciousness energy field supports a positive environment, helps uplift personal energy, and increases the potential for positive relationships.
Understanding Levels of Consciousness

Dr. David Hawkins wrote about levels of consciousness in his ground-breaking work Power vs. Force. In this book, he explains that everything has a level of consciousness measurable on a scale of 0 – 1,000.
Negativity in all its forms including apathy, shame, guilt, anger, fear, and pride fall below 200, while positivity such as courage, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, peace, and enlightenment are between 200 – 1,000.
The typical level of consciousness of a sacred site might range from 550 to 650. These are levels of love, joy, peace and transcendence.
Whether you’ve been to a sacred site, or can recall moments of love for a partner, a newborn baby, a family member — or even the joy of a cat purring on your lap or your dog licking your face — you’ve had experiences of levels of consciousness OVER 500.
FLFE services are designed to create a consistent high-consciousness environment to thrive in. This field can be activated and focused on a property, business, or object such as a cell phone.
Each subscription contains programs to specify the characteristics of the activated field, such as the level of consciousness. The FLFE system, a conjunction of the FLFE machines, and the FLFE programs, then sends energy to the specified location or object.
FLFE’s services are guaranteed to reach a level of consciousness of 560 on the Hawkins Map at least 98% of the time.
Electromagnetic Field Mitigation
All FLFE subscriptions include our EMF Mitigation Program, which reduces the consciousness-lowering effects of EMFs.
It works by raising the level of consciousness of a device emitting consciousness-lowering EMFs. This results in the EMFs emitted going from being consciousness-lowering to neutral or consciousness-increasing in an environment. The program also uses the energetic signature of the mineral shungite to harmonize, neutralize, deflect, and dissipate consciousness-lowering EMFs.
The EMF Mitigation program reduces 99% or more of all consciousness-lowering EMFs in an environment. For more information about the EMF mitigation program, including third-party experiment results, click here.
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Jill receives a small commission for any FLFE subscriptions purchased from this page.